Hmmk, so...

After two days of great, articulate, intelligent thought time, I came up with the past two entries. However, I've suffered a creative block, so to speak, and I cant think of anything else to post. I assure you, to those whose hearts just dropped, that I am not indeed closing this blog, because that would indeed be quite silly. After countless hours of careful consideration, and hours of deliberation, and a few minutes of careful consideration about deliberating, I have decided to formally announce that I will indeed not not close this blog. It shall not remain closed, thus it will not cease to exist. While this news may sadden some, those who actually read this article word for word will either stare at this entry with a look of great confusion, or with a look of great excitement. Hopefully the latter, which is remarkably close to the word ladder; a word which almost made its way into this article by being confused with the word latter. It has come to pass that in the days of this week, that I have once again typed an article, which does indeed include the word ladder and the phrase 'it has come to pass', which sounds like it came from the bible. So, I pose this question to you...What does this all mean? Are the words ladder and bible part of an elaborate scheme, or am I just saying that to make you think that they are part of an elaborate scheme? Only time will tell, once time learns how to type. Until it does, I'll be her messenger...or is time a he? This and other unexplainable coincidences will be explained tomorrow, when I might possibly type yet another article about absolutely nothing, thus wasting more of your time. So long, my dear friend, for you know what the true answer is, in your gut.


And you are?

So, how is everyone? How does everyone feel? How does feeling that way make you feel? If you could feel differently, how would you feel about feeling that way? Have you been sick recently? If you have been sick, how did you feel about feeling sick? Feeling sick about feeling sick usually makes me sicker, which in turn gives me a sicker feeling down deep on the inside, where most feelings are felt. It is never good when you feel bad in your deep down feeling feeling area, which is your gut. When you feel feelings inside of your feeling feeling area, which as I said, is the gut, you get a feeling of happiness, which is far from the feeling of sickness, which is what you get when you feel sick about feeling sick. Feeling sick is no fun, I assure you, but feeling good about your chances of feeling better is good. Its always better to feel good about your sick feeling rather than feeling bad about your sick feelings; it seems to make the sick feeling go away faster, which makes you feel happy feelings once again. Have you ever felt that you've said a word so many times that it doesnt make sense anymore? I feel that way right now about the word 'feel', which no longer looks spelled right, nor does it sound right. It just doesnt feel the same as it did a few minutes ago when I started typing this long, drawn out paragraph, which started out by asking you how you felt today. In the couple of minutes that its taken you to read this article, you may have felt feelings of happiness, sadness, or sickness, all of which have been mentioned thus far in this blog. If you have indeed felt any of these feelings, then you'll feel it in your gut, the main feeling feeling area, which, again, I have already told you. It was somewhere around the middle of this article, so you might want to back track just to make sure you understand. Feeling unsure about knowing where feelings are felt is never good, which may in turn make you feel bad about not knowing. By the way, I feel great. How does everyone feel?


Guess what!?!

This is a waste of your time, honestly. And I dont lie. Why would I lie? Lies are crazy. Metaphors are just lies in disguise, and I just rhymed; word. So, yes, if you are thinking that you could have spent the past 15 seconds doing something else, then you sir are correct in your thinking, and in the event that you are not a sir, but a madame, then you too have wasted your time. *I apologize, but you cannot say that I didnt warn you in the first sentence, which you are probably looking back at right now. There's nothing hidden there; its the same as it was when you started reading. Or is there? Now you're looking back again, for a third time, and yet again, there is nothing there. Eventually, you'll wise up and quit looking at the first sentence of this long, drawn out paragraph, which does indeed have something hidden in it. Check again, then double check. The total amount of times that you've viewed the first sentence has now reached five, so how do you feel? I feel almost sick, thinking of new ways to make you reread the first sentence, which by the way, I lied about. It doesnt have anything hidden in it. Therefore, I have lied to you, which means that the second sentence of this paragraph was a lie as well. You should reread the first and second sentence, then restart............here. That makes six times that you've read the first sentence, which means you should have it memorized by now. If not, reread it again, then start reading again at the asterik. If you do this successfully, then you should be reading an endless loop of text, which will ultimately leave you reading the first sentence a bunch of times. If you didnt do as I asked, by returning to the asterik, then you are ignorant, and should start back at the first sentence. See, I told you that this was a waste of time.